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Andrew Haglund

Q2 Update

I became a dad in May. You could say it’s been a pretty big couple months. I’ll never forget that feeling of the first time I held her.

April was a nesting and prepping month, May was a monumental adjustment: waking up every two hours to help feed and change the baby was a bit taxing on the old noggin. As June rolled in the nights started getting easier and easier. I had a month off from work and will take more time in the Fall when my partner’s leave concludes. (I’m bitterly jealous of my German colleagues with 1 or 2 year parental leave options. I’m also grateful we get anything at all.)

Here’s a few bits of media I squeezed in. As you can see it’s quite a bit less than Q1!


My relationship with gaming is probably going to look a lot different going forward now that I have a kid: you rarely have two hands free for a controller with a newborn (let alone the time). I’m so glad my phone can be a Pokémon machine now and being able to steal a few minutes away or play one-handed while I hold my sleeping kid is such a joy.

I also modded my Gamesir G8 controller to work with my new iPad. It’s a glorious combination.


Been enjoying new music from Vampire Weekend, Iron & Wine, Hovvdy, Decemberists, Billie Eilish, and of course Taylor Swift.

Looking forward to new Bright Eyes and Coldplay in Q3. Speaking of Coldplay: I think they played their best concert ever at Glastonbury. It was an incredibly special performance with a lot of heart. Knowing 100k people were there in-person seeing what I was seeing at the exact save time was awe-inspiring.

Movies & TV

As always I want to thank Shawn Hickman for making Sofa. I use it to queue up media and log when I’ve watched/played it.